Monday, August 19, 2019

Retirement - Part I

Hi folks, it’s been almost 4 years since we talked!  I know, I should be acting like a retired CEO, play golf with my buddies and learn non-productive skills like oil painting, wood working or snowblower maintenance.

The thing is, ever since Georgie has been nominated CEO at CGI in 2016 I’ve been working triple shifts as a board director to ensure that the Greatest Corporation on Earth is heading in the right direction.

Today I can reassure members, CGI is here to stay.  We have a great team in place, profitable growth has been ingrained into our DNA and members in India are still dancing to showcase their love for our stock price.

I have to confess that free time started popping in my agenda recently, at first I thought it was a mistake and that my assistant Natalie was suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder.  She argued her case, no Mr. Roach, your schedule is clear all afternoon.

How can that be?  No press conference to announce an acquisition?  No internal review committee?  Maybe I could drop by a hiring process to ensure that candidates have a deep knowledge of our current and future customers?  I am sure Shindler needs me to analyze the quarterly reports, right?

No, she said raising both eyebrows, there is really nothing.  I am sorry, she said.

I felt a knot in my throat, cold sweat ran down my spine, my watch felt suddenly heavy.  Nothing?  I went back to my office and stared at the Montreal skyline for a minute or so.  My mind struggled to accept the void, the unbearable absence of urgent things to do.  I opened my laptop to watch how GIB.TO was doing that day, it was a fun but quick distraction.

I popped into Georgie’s office in hope that I would be urgently required for strategic brainstorming, alas he was not there.  I opened some of the folders on his desk, secretly wishing I could find some nugget to chew on, but everything was in order.
