Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Welcome back! The world's about to end!

Dear members across the globe, I hope you took some nice vacations and that you are fully rested. Because next year will be hell. Just joking. Well kinda.

I didn't take any time off because the Stanley deal is consuming so much of my time, more on that later.

I've been told by a one generic VP I employ that some people apparently think the world is coming to an end on May 21, 2011. It's a Saturday, so we can expect minimum business disruption. It's doesn't say a GMT time where this should occur, as it might already be Sunday in Asia.

Despite the fact that there would be less than a year before Judgement Day, those folks are asking for donations which seems to me like totally pointless.

Quote: This web site serves as an introduction and portal to four faithful ministries which are teaching that WE CAN KNOW from the Bible alone that the date of the rapture of believers will take place on May 21, 2011 and that God will destroy this world on October 21, 2011

This is very interesting and those who critic the time it takes for CGI to acquire Stanley should read this. God plans a 5-month due diligence process before destroying the Earth. I don't know about you, but that seems a awful lot of time to me. Why 5 months? Are lawyers involved in this or just God alone? Is there any dry run planned in the schedule before the actual planet demolition? Can businesses still operate until Oct. 21? I mean, I'd like to know if I can bill a customer up to that date as part of my forecasting process.

Anyway. It made my day. I'll make sure to follow up on this.

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