Friday, July 2, 2010

See you in August

Even yours truly has to take some time off to recharge, the past year has been exhausting. Our annual tour with the Crazy Mumbai IT Dancers. Dealing with low-grade politicians. And of course our acquisition of Stanley Tools which should be officially a done deal next week.

If you dare to take some vacations, please carve some time to reflect on your career expectations. Are they too high? Ask yourself, should I settle into something that I can convince myself that it'll make me happy? If CGI gives you a 1% raise this year, should you consider this a real tangible token of appreciation? Maybe so, money is a rare commodity. One sure thing, you can be a better person if you stop whining about your director, about PSA, about internal rules. Everyone does that, so differentiate yourself from the whining crowd and start working. 65 hours a week can't kill you, I'm the living proof of that.

See you in August, and maybe profitable growth be with you.