Monday, January 24, 2011

IT is better than politics

I don't want to start any false rumors, but I've been told the chronic mismanagement of the current liberal administration in Quebec is having a major toll on the health of some highly perched politicians.

I watched Curly in the news last week and he was pale as a ghost, his double-chin dangling at every word. This was not the picture of a man following a healthy regimen and sleeping well at night. What can I say, you are the product of your own decisions.

A few minutes after the Scary Curly Show, we learned about the resignation of the president of FTQ Construction, a powerful labor union involved with many public infrastructure projects whose cost double every 6 months. The former president claims the mafia has infiltrated every corner of the industry. Great.

In related news, Happy Raymond (shown here) was talking about his prostate to a CBC reporter after being grilled about the negative effect of raising the sales tax from 7.5% to 8.5%. Look at his gloomy unhealthy face. What's funny about Ramone (well it's not funny) is that everybody profoundly hate his guts. Fiscally responsible advocates hate him because he increases taxes to fund deficient social programs whose cost is skyrocketing. Left-wing nuts and union junkies hate him because his higher-tax policy is impacting everyone, not just the filthy rich who make more than $65K a year.

I mean, it's impossible to please everyone, but to displease everyone and run a fucking huge deficit you have to... well you have to be Raymond. In case your short term memory has erased that priceless quote, this is the guy who claimed that the prime objective of a democratic government is NOT to balance a budget but to make people happy.

I'll miss this guy when he'll be gone.

Dear members, your life in a dimly lit cubicle is 1,000,000 times better than the life of some public figures. Happiness is being able to leave work at work, something middle managers, CEOs and drug dealers simply can't do. Configuring a domain server is piece of cake (I've been told), so enjoy the easy life.

Don't worry, be happy, and fill your time sheet with 40+ hours of billable work.

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