Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How grateful

It has dipped a bit below $20 to take its breath, but our stock is on its way to stardom. I mean, last time we hit that high it was Y2K hysteria and Netscape was 5 years old. Financial analysts once again are awaking from their deep coma and realize that we've been telling the truth all the time and they decided to upgrade us from "dull" to "divinely attractive"

Yours truly is of course the main actor behind this success, although I try to keep a humble profile and stay "in character". You won't see me driving a Ferrari to work and moon the innocent pedestrian to showcase irrational exuberance in line with our financial statements.

Nevertheless, I am a bit disappointed by the lack of feedback from my dear profitable members. I mean, I don't expect to be treated like the winning SuperBowl coach (don't pour Gatorade on my suit, I'll kill you), but you know I'd love to receive a couple of e-mails that say Boss, ya know all that crap about profitable growth, well you were right, I know we're being neglected and paid very little, but I can now go to sleep and know it is for a greater good.

No nothing. Not a single thank you. Let me refresh my Outlook. No. Zilch.

I don't get no respect to quote the late Rodney, but it's okay. Sigh.

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