Friday, October 2, 2009

We're here! We're here!

Those guys at Seeking Alpha deserve a round of applause for boosting CGI's visibility. Read here. Money quote: Dell valued Perot at $30 a share, which represents trailing multiples of 30x price earnings, 1.56x revenue and 13x EBITDA. Using the same multiples for CGI would mean a takeout price between $20-$30 (Canadian - the shares were trading for $12.84 Monday afternoon).

Holy Jumping Catfish! 30 bucks !

Steve Ballmer never called me back, maybe I should e-mail him this link don't you think? That would set a opening price for negotiations. I need to talk to those Cisco guys, which reminds me something. A guy called my office the other day, I thought he was trying to sell me switches and I told him to get lost. His name was Chambers, and now this name rings a bell...

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