Friday, February 12, 2010

Genetic screening for profitable growth

Serge sent me this link where The Donald claims that his genes are partly responsible for his fame and success. Money quote: I'm a gene believer... hey when you connect two race horses you get usually end up with a fast horse.

At first I had a good laugh, but then I found myself deeply puzzled by this point of view. What if The Donald was right? What if managers could be tested for bad genes, in order to screen stars from duds? Could we rank managers this way on a scale from 0 to 100, or was the gene pretty much binary? Sure, a personal interview is a good start to know someone but perception can be deceiving - ask the folks who invested with Maddoff.

So I went back to Serge with this idea. Let's implement genetic screening for anyone at CGI who strive for middle and upper management. If we can find the gene for profitable growth, I could easily isolate members who will bring me big bonanza, like 1000 time their salary. Those who don't score will be assigned to mindless tasks, but I want to spot the real stars.

I'm all excited right now, I need to think on how we will implement this. More later. Roach out.

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