Thursday, February 11, 2010

Unionized nightmares

I’ve been having some recurring nightmares recently, maybe it’s time I go back in therapy. For instance, I woke up last night screaming “freedom” in a Braveheart fashion, my favourite Richie Rich PJs were damped with sweat.

I dreamt CGI had been taken over by unions. A horrible dream, I gotta tell you.

We’d been infiltrated by the CSN, one of the most vicious union organizations here in Quebec and I had to run every decision through this communist witch. Our company was paralyzed, after years of profitable growth CGI was stuck in a dead-end. Salaries and benefits were out of control, we could barely break even and Wall Street analysts were bashing us (well that’s not news). We had lost maybe 30% of workforce, the best people had left the ship.

Left-wing politicians were telling the press that CGI was a mature company and it was time for unions to get in and bang us so that everyone can benefit. Nature was taking its course, they were saying. I could see myself in my office, head in my hands, overlooking a sea of red ink. The picture of our fearless founders in the boardroom had been replaced with ones of Stalin, Marx and Lenin.

The profitable growth theme had been replaced by “equitable growth’, the company annual report looked more like a socialist manifesto than a financial document.

I was so depressed that I resigned and went back to my native Pembroke where I was now growing canola because it was highly subsidized by the federal government.

What a horrible dream, I was so shaken by this apocalyptic vision that I went into my home office and checked on my computer the balance of all CGI bank accounts to sooth my troubled soul. What I have done to deserve such torment?

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