The Prince of Financial Darkness is now asking for the opinion of ordinary citizens in light of the upcoming 2011-2012 Quebec budget. It's like Charles Manson being asked to give the keynote at a pro-life event or Don Cherry advising customers at Harry Rosen.
I mean, I could pretend I care about my employees opinion and ask them what direction my company should take, but I don't. I'm the farging CEO. I'm being paid to take decisions and lead this organizations toward financial nirvana (for the shareholder, that is).
So SuperRaymond launched a "prebudget consultation" on his Web site, except this sucker had no money to put an English version along the French version. C'est la vie. Look at him in the picture above. Would you buy a used car from this man?
I spent about 15 minutes surfing this electronic goulash that bears more resemblance to early draft of Politburo propaganda than sound financial plans backed by a solid understanding of the situation. Happy Raymond wants to be a reassuring figure, all your social benefits define who you really are and your tightly-managed government is working days and nights to preserve this by doing creative accounting. This uber-crap could be convincing after 6 glasses of wine, but no one with at least a 2-digit IQ will fall for this.
Oh, by the way, we learned earlier this week that 30 government departments in Quebec spent $1.7M in contract services to water the fucking plants in their office. You know those plants, you could water them with your personal fluids or old coffee pots and they could thrive. Revenue Quebec spent $173 000 just to take care of those plants, and guess which smart ass leads this frugal organization? None other than The King of Happiness himself!
Anyway, go take a look if you read French and don't accuse me if you suffer from intellectual dysentery after that. How much taxpayer dollar went into this mess, Ray?