Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Great, now we're a shopping spree target

Great, this is again just great. Now that Perot Systems has been integrated into the soulless Dell Corporation, all analysts are now saying that CGI is a prime target for acquisition. Hello? Anybody home, this is other way around, we're actually trying to BUY someone. Truth is, our shares jumped 5.7% thanks to this news, and what makes our shareholder happy makes us happy. GIB has pretty much flatlined since Y2K, so we welcome any rumours that could push our stock upward.

The analyst said CGI could be valued at $20 to $30 based on Dell's offer for Perot, representing a very attractive upside of 65% or even more.

$30? Sweet smokin' Judas, my options will finally be worth something! Quick, let me call the Porsche dealership to put a cash down on a new Panamera.

You! Stop reading this blog and get back to work! We need more revenues to increase our market value. Do anything but do something! Offer customers to wax their car, CGI will send them a bill with a 10% discount. Check out trash cans for empty bottles, and bring them to your business unit! Maybe we could spin this as a green initiative and make a press release! Holy cow, I'm getting goose bumps! Quick, back to work!

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