Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I am the observer

I've been doing this for a year now and nobody - even the SEC bean counters - have ever noticed. Did ya? Well, with season 2 starting tomorrow it was obvious to me that I should disclose to my board that I have a sideline job. Serge fell out of his chair when I told him this morning, he was a show regular but never noticed the resemblance.

Yes folks, I was cast as "The Observer" in Fringe, and you'll see my face and shining skull all through season 2. Why me? To be honest, I was bored to death about 2 years ago and I needed something to spice up by tedious CEO life. A friend of mine who works in Hollywood called me one day, saying they were looking for a bald guy for a new sci-fi drama on Fox, and he thought I would be the perfect dude. Hold on, I said, I'm the CEO of an international IT company, I am extremely busy, I've got people to meet, places to go and...

... and then my secretary came into my office, carrying about 500 expense reports I had to approve. This is regular CEO duty at CGI, trust me. When you spend a dime, it goes through me. I check everything. So I looked at the pile of paper, and said to my friend: Sure, I can fly over to L.A. this afternoon.

And the rest is history. Frankly, I was expecting to play a more active role during the first season. my character doesn't talk much. Filming the scene where I ate the jalapeno sandwich was kind of fun too, although it took a few shots before I could do it without showing any expression on my face. My gums are still sensitive. So anyway, between the shots, I tried to lure the some of the cast members into taking an active role at CGI since we have a high turnover rate. I saw John Noble as a PM somewhere in a government project (one that has derailed multiple times, those are the best). Nah, he said. Too much fun working on TV. Plus, he said, cinnamon buns are never served fresh in a government building.

I think he was joking.

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