Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I Feel Good

When you're feeling down and out, sometimes you stumble on a situation when your concerns suddenly appear insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Today's such a day for yours truly.

Ever since we announced the lost of the Desjardins account, I've been feeling - let me find the right word - depressed like a Lehman Brothers analyst managing a pool of subprime loans the day they went bust. Not a pretty sight. I could barely eat this past week-end, I was thinking about resigning from CGI and going back to my native Pembroke to raise livestock, something for which I have no experience but somewhat found appealing. Cleaning cows must be fun.

When I opened the newspaper this morning I saw the devastated face of Curly, and my troubles just went away like a snow ball in July. This guy is being torpedoed on a daily basis by problems and scandals of unprecedented magnitude. Muddy liberal party financing tactics, judge nominations dictated by influential party donors, not a day passes without some kind of huge scandal making headlines. The state runs into a deep deficit, and Happy Raymond's budget is still the subject of important resentment from everyone. Water is coming in from all decks, the ship is going down, and there's 2-3 years before the next election, so Curly here is aging fast. He's still in denial mode, at least when talking to reporters, but privately this guy must be gulping Rolaids like crazy. If you were a doctor and the wreck above would check into your office, how much time would you give the man?

So when I think about Curly, I feel good, I feel so light and free of worries. His livid face is a reminder that I'm full of energy, I can double the size of this company if I put my mind to it. I feel like dancing tonight, but don't tell this to CGI members from India.

I need to go now, I'll call a few Wall Street analysts tomorrow and tell them to put CGI on their "Strong buy" list, because we're going to crush the competition just using our will power. Profitable growth will ensue.

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