Monday, April 12, 2010

Members Column Day: More Crybabies

Dear members, there are days where I wish I'd chosen a career path in the agriculture industry. When you drive your John Deere across the field, you don't hear wheat complaining. When you're in the barn, you don't hear cow talking about getting unions in. Even pigs are happy, and we all know they'd be the first to overthrow the farmer and start wearing Hugo Boss suits.

A knife went threw my heart when I read this CGI bashing on

Cons: Published values not respected from upper management and down the chain. No IT leadership as this company follows the train and is mostly for "body" placement. Very little empowerment of employees as decisions power is kept at the top with little delegation thru the ranks (middle management and employees). Management structure changes frequently. Very weak HR function with few described roles and responsibilities. No ombudsman to enforce sound management practices. Training is hard to come by. On the whole, a large company managed like a small one.

This anonymous coward from Montreal is being tracked right now by our internal intelligence service, he or she will be sent to a dungeon to administer a Lotus Notes server remotely. Nevertheless, it hurts me. Why? It's not because this dweeb is saying false things per se, because as a whole I agree with the guy.

Yes, we're a body shop, we parachute consultants (viruses) in clients site (hosting body) and we bill top rate for whatever skill they have (infectious disease), be it SharePoint, BizTalk, WebSphere, the works. Multiply that action by thousands, and you start talking profitable growth.

Yes, we have no ombudsman because this kind of function is for the weak - get an ombudsman in and next thing you know you hear talk about socialism and unions. The basic idea behind ombudsmen is that they are supposed to act as a neutral position between employees and management. Problem is, my view of the CEO position at CGI is pretty close to this one. Therefore, an ombudsman is of no use and it saves me $100K a year.

Yes, there is no empowerment, this is done on purpose pal because our empire is being driven by a handful of people. Can you imagine the Death Star being run by several committees reporting to Vader? One middle manager trooper might decide to blast a small moon because he had a bad day, and then Sir Darth himself would have to issue a press release saying he's sorry his organization ran amok.

It hurts me so much to hear members take positive aspects of the company (no empowerment, no ombudsman, company managed like a small one) and turn them viciously into sleazy comments. People have no respect for profitable growth, I'm telling you.

Now get back to work you sissy, enlarge your BU revenues for a change.

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