Friday, October 15, 2010

Managing the next generation

Four thousand fifty texts a month = 135 a day = one every 7 minutes of waking life. And that’s the average U.S. teenage girl,according to a new Nielsen survey.

How am I going to hire those folks 10 years from now? Will I need an interpreter because those young people will totally be incapable of writing a full sentence without a mental breakdown? Let’s compare the depth of the two following analysis:

Analyst #1: Our preliminary assessment of risks dictate that management should re-consider Plan A and analyze what other option is available in order not to expose assets to unnecessary risks. CGI can assist management in pursuing other options.

Analyst #2: wRong, wont work dude. c u L8 R.

Assuming current teenagers will be able to use Office 2003 without a cell phone interface, what rate do you think I’ll be able to charge for Analyst #2? And considering the perforation level of today’s teenagers face, will be they forced to worked remotely not to shock customers with their questionable choices?

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