Thursday, December 16, 2010

Do you see the light?

If Evil himself recently tempted you with a tantalizing job offer and vague promises of a better future outside the realm of GIB.TO, it's time to refocus on your core values and re-read the Gospel of Serge. Thou shall bill 40 hours a week and be happy about it. Or Thou shall not send your embellished resume to competitors.

Our founding father gave a passionate speech titled "Built to grow and last" on Dec. 14 at the Chateau Frontenac in Quebec City, and it you had your share of doubts this speech would have restored your faith in CGI and its values. Serge is hyper-active these days, he'd been aloof for a while but it's like the the Stanley acquisition has put new lithium batteries and a 6-pack of Full Throttle in him. He's on a mission for profitable growth and he's unstoppable.

I could not attend this specific speech, but when I do I always enjoy standing in the dark and watch people's face as they read Serge's PowerPoint slides. There is always a fair share of clueless veggies at those meetings who are just there to show their asses and pretend they are on top on business, you know who they are. They quote Gartner Group. They like to attend $5000 seminars aimed at "decision makers" where a self-proclaimed luminary tells rosy stories about the future of technology 10 years from now. If you're sitting next to them, they show you their iPad and first thing they demo you is a stupid game. You know, these guys. They talk all the time. They never decided for anything in their lives. Them.

But there are a few individuals who react like 1977 geeks who saw Star Wars for the very first time. Whoa, dude. A feeling of aw and wonder, they beam with a youthful enthusiasm as they suddenly realize they can outsource their entire IT department to us and focus on their core business processes.

We'll get rid of all our IT dorks for the next 10 years, this is what I've been waiting for, I'll outsource all these fucking douche bags to and we'll clear the entire floor. It'll cost a fortune but I don't care I can build a business case with any shit. I'll then be able to manoeuvre and put forth my political agenda.

Please note dear members, the $67.73 ticket price for Serge's speech CANNOT be put on your expense report, if you do your director will whack you. If your director approves this expense he'll get whacked by me in person, and trust me the last thing you want as a director is an e-mail from me. I don't speak directly to employees at such a low level unless it's for giving them hell and instructions to pack their things.

Wait a minute.

Sorry, I've just been told that this lunch invitation was for new and existing clients with whom we want to deepen and expand our relationship. Real deep. It was not for members.

Now get back to work.

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