Monday, September 21, 2009

Great, Dell is now a competitor

The world has gone upside down, I'm telling ya. This kid from Texas who built cheap PCs in his dorm room has bought Perot Systems for $3.9 billion.

Earlier I said that CGI could buy something in the range of 1 to 2 billion, and I was hoping those guys at Perot would give me a discount cause I knew they were selling. No, man, they preferred to sell to another Texan, I take no offence and it makes perfect sense. But next time Michael and I have a discussion about renewing our contract to buy laptops for all our BUs, I will tell him that his freaking Latitude model is so heavy that my back hurts. And I will ask Serge to teach me to swear in French Canadian, that will impress Mr. Dell. Tabarnac. I will even go ballistic and threaten him to switch to Apple, that should scare the bejesus out of him.

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