Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Steve Ballmer called me

Ever since Perot Systems was eaten by Dell, the phone is ringing all the time with potential buyers for CGI. I mean, this is flattering but it takes lots of my time.

The legendary Microsoft CEO called me this morning, at first I thought we had forget to pay for our Gold certification, but no Stevie wanted to talk business. So you want to sell the barn, huh? We at Microsoft could be the best fit you know, we sell software to large corporations, and you rent slaves to the same customers, so you know maybe CGI and Microsoft could merge, of course you’d be renamed Microsoft Professional Services and we’d give you 3 times your salary and you’d report to me directly.

I must admit I was seriously tempted by the offer, I could picture Ballmer and myself touring our BUs with a classic monkey dance, daring our offices to raise their contribution to 20%. Microsoft/CGI would be a perfect alliance.

Ballmer reminded me that we shall consume our mutual love very fast, not wait for months like Jerry Yang did, because he’s now mowing lawn in Mountain View and Yahoo is the next Netscape so to speak. Microsoft Professional Service, Ballmer said, could be the flagship division that will push Windows 7 into all corporations. It’s so fucking complex to install, he said, we’ll make a bundle by selling hundreds of IT guys along with a single “Entreprise Edition” box. Software is just an excuse to shove high priced consultants down the customer throat, it was not Bill’s vision but I’m running the Death Star now. Then Ballmer exploded with a Mwahahahahaha laugh that sent chills to my spine.

Think about it Roach boy, he said, Redmond will be a nice place for you. And he promised he would call back in a week.

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