Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Stop whining and start billing

My assistant Natalie had lunch with me today and told me that some employees are voicing their concerns over the Internet. Yeah, right, I told her, who is complaining now? Those lazy asses whose work week was raised from 37.5 to 40 hours a week? C'mon, those guys are home by 6 every day and they watch their huge plasma TV paid with MY MONEY, what could they possibly whine about? My father was clocking 90 hours in a steel mill filled with asbestos, rats and unionized workers, and he was happy as a clam. Not exactly true, but you see my point.

Natalie pointed me this site, which is filled with rants from disgruntled IT workers apparently from my company. Criminy, why can't people just do their job and get a sense of accomplishment from this? I give them stellar raises of 2-3%, I give them several layers of management, and they still want more? This bozo here says we're treating employees like animals. Yeah right, when you're old and tired we take you behind the barn with a rifle. Boom. This other one here says he worked for us 10 years with no raise. We gave you 2% a year buddy, stop whining and start making sales call to impress your business unit VP. Secure a billion dollar outsourcing contract, and then MAYBE you'll get the recognition you deserve. Raises have been topped at 5% anyway, so we're fair with everyone.

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