Thursday, November 5, 2009

The annual tour is almost over

The past few weeks have been particularly exhausting, as I toured many of our offices in the U.S. and Canada. Picture above taken in L.A., I'm the fellow with the baseball cap on the left. I feel like an army general touring military locations, each time reminding my brainless soldiers of what’s important, how to behave, and what’s the big picture they should grasp. It ain’t easy, I’m telling you. I cannot count the number of time I had to answer questions concerning a possible merger of CGI with another big fat company. My answer was always the same : we’re analyzing different options, the market is good and we’re sticking to our plan.

It’s not a sexy answer, but CGI is not about fun or thrills, so anything exciting would be out of character. It’s like watching Kojak, you don’t expect Terry Savalas to dance the polka in the middle of an investigation. Or - for the younger crowd - you do not expect Patrick Stewart to snort a line of cocaine in the Enterprise ready-room.

We’ve done a couple of press releases recently, Yellow Pages for $100M, Daimler Financial Services, GSA for $32M. This is highly frustrating for me, because these are pretty fucking big announcements and Wall Street analysts could not care less. Our stock should be at $30, don’t you think?

Anyway. We’re releasing our 4th quarter results and FY09 results on Nov. 9th, and we’re coming on strong. Yes, dear members, you’ll get your $2000 profit-sharing bonus this Christmas unless our business unit screwed up – some of you did big time. Consider yourself lucky to have a job, and get back to work.

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