Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Planning to spend Thanksgiving time on training

Yes, Thanksgiving is a time that you can enjoy and it doesn't get billed to a customer. Those are rare, precious moments, are they? Scarcity makes its worthwhile. I'm planning to force my troops to work on Thanksgiving next year, as this could give our revenues a small notch that CGI desperately need.

As for me, I've enlisted to a special Excel boot camp for CEO only. Serge once told me that there was this executive school specialized in all sort of special training, but it was not for the faint of heart. You had to dress like soldiers, sleep on site, and Excel instructors would wake you at 5:00am screaming at you. Then you would go through classes of hard, high-end stuff related to Excel. Like, how to implement a circular formula even though Excel forbids you to. There's a way, I've been told.

By the end of the day your brain is so pumped up with formulas and worksheets that you can hardly sleep without dreaming in cells (also called a wet dream, in accounting lingo). The instructors then take you to some intense drill sessions to exhaust you physically.

It's a 3-day marathon, and apparently those who manage to go through without a mental brakedown emerge so strong mentally speaking that their next fiscal quarter are astonishing, like profits increased by 10%. I'm so excited.

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