Thursday, November 26, 2009

Dude, you’re getting a Perot…I mean a Dell

I love hitting on this nail as I think this merger is something that eventually will kill Dell but save their shareholders. Twenty years from now - assuming Dell will still be a brand name which I doubt – people will associate this company with IT services, not crappy netbooks or PCs whose name sounds like a villain from a bad sci-fi movie. In the end, I believe people will stick with the Perot name and the Dell particle will be dropped out. Or rather ejected.

Perot consultants are now told to promote Dell hardware because their earnings dropped 54% and my sources say Michael is going ballistic over the abysmal sales figures. And things won’t get any better for Dell in 2010.

Picture above was taken during an IT conference in Texas where Perot was sponsoring the event. I’m being told the poor Perot guy was promoting the Optiplex line of desktop, he must have felt like a total douche doing this. Why the hell am I doing this? Are the folks at EDS forced into similar humiliation? Do they have to dress in a 12-C outfit? Can I go work now?

Note to the Perot guy in the silly outfit: Dude, if you still care about your dignity, send me your resume. We’ll treat you right. Selling PCs is not a secret agenda at CGI.

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