Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Black Friday special at CGI

This Friday only, get a 2% discount on a senior project manager, 5% on any business analyst, account manager, QA testers or technical analysts, and a whopping 10% on anyone that is currently rotting on the bench.

Picture above was taken at the CGI headquarter on Sherbrooke last night when news of this discount was leaked on a blog. Some people were just plain nuts, they were expecting a CGI person to go troubleshooting their virus-ridden PC at home, like we were some kind of Geek Squad or something. We used a fire hose to cool down the crowd.

To benefit from this very special and one time discount you need to sign (or renew) a 3-year contract with CGI Group and clear any competing firm from your organization, especially the temple merchants from Dell/Perot or the folks from the Blue Man group. This special cancels any other discount you may have been promised by rogue account managers. Void in certain states/provinces. Restrictions may apply on certain projects where money is no object.

I’m feeling generous, this does not happen very often. Act before the effect subsides.

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