Friday, December 4, 2009

Delivering profit-sharing

A few weeks from now, those who are worthy will get their profit-sharing check in the mail. I know, I know, some of you happen to work for a lame business unit that didn’t reach their sales numbers, and as a result you will eat processed chicken for Christmas.

The alternative – that is giving a profit-sharing bonus even to those who work for underperforming business units – would be totally anti-capitalist. Money goes to those who deserve it.

This means that those who don’t get anything have to work double-hard in ’10, like really push yourself to bill more. Some whiners on say this is completely unfair, my response is to remind them that CGI is not forced to share its profit. We could keep it all to ourselves, grow our available margin to do an acquisition, and laugh all the way to the bank (and we all know bankers like to laugh). It's like if you have this filthy rich uncle who drives a Ferrari and he gives 4-figure check to everyone in his extended family for Christmas, some will find a way to say this is not enough. You can't please everyone.

If you did perform well as an individual, like real exceptional, but your VP is total clown who screwed up and lost good accounts, what can I say. Life is unfair. Rest assured, the clown will be summoned and I’ll make sure he runs his circus outside of CGI. I have this secret trap in my office with a button underneath my desk, I’ve always wanted to have this since I was a kid watching WB cartoons on Saturday. Push the button, the person disappears from my sight and ends up in a dumpter.

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