Wednesday, December 16, 2009

No news. Really.

The CGI news feed has been quiet for a while, so my assistant Natalie suggested we do a pointless press release to emphasize how good we are in hope that'll maintain our stock price above $13 during the holidays. So we issued this yesterday where we basically say that we raked $1.1B in contracts during October-December. It doesn't say it this is actually lower or higher than Q1 last year, you'll have to dig that up.

I now get a mailbox full of rants from CGI members who didn't get a profit-sharing bonus this year because their business unit financial results sucked. My standard reply is, wake up and smell the coffee, give me some lucrative 10-year managed services contracts with loaded customers and maybe, just maybe, you'll be considered worthy. This is CGI folks, we're not the Salvation Army. Now get back to work and try to bring some profitable growth.

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