Pete said a friend of his who toils in IT forwarded the video of CGI members dancing the polka in Mumbai and Pete was floored. This is the hot ticket for 2010, he said.
I said, Pete what the fuck are you talking about? A couple of IT workers do a few steps on a stage, that's not new to me. An acoustic guitar, a few chords, that's not rocket science.
Pete said, no no no Mike, you don't understand. After the mortgage meltdown, AIG doing down the tube and Maddoff behind bars, this is what people crave for, honesty from regular naive workers and profitable growth as the new mantra. Don't you see Mike, the CGI magic has to be put on Broadway. This will appeal to regular folks and to investment bankers as well. Dude, financial analysts will line up like fucking lemmings to see this musical. The 2 train will be jam packed after the closing bell.
I said to Pete, speaking of profitable growth, how does this idea translate into black ink on my bottom line? I don't mind this Hee Haw thing on Broadway, I can even provide some people that are on the bench right now awaiting layoff, but - let's speak frankly here - what's in it for me?
Pete said, of course we'll split the benefits Mike, but picture this. The CGI logo, 200 feet tall, on Broadway. I can even find you a part in the musical if you're up to it. I was thinking about Peter Woodward or Patrick Stewart, they're bald and much more expressive than you, but if you want to dance the CGI magic on stage Mike I'll let you do it. How does that sound, he said, I need a decision now.
I said, let me think about it Pete, I need to work on the numbers first. We agreed to talk later this week.
Now dear readers, I am unsure about this musical thing, I need your advice. Should CGI sponsor a musical on Broadway to promote profitable growth?