Wednesday, January 27, 2010

From India to PEI

Here's an interesting post about CGI members who went from India to Prince Edward Island. I can't imagine the cultural gap those brave people have to adapt to. You deserve a virtual medal, I'll create one on the intranet. Now, did those members participate in the ritual dance? Anyway, the article prompted the usual whiners to post some ridiculous comments such as this one:

Having worked at CGI for more than 10 years, I can tell you morale in CGI in Montreal is at an all time low. When people are on the bench and not chargable to a project, they are being forced to take mandatory vacations to avoid being layed off, who wouldn't choose that.. Meanwhile, they are continuously shipping IT jobs to India where cheap labor reigns supreme. The average salary in India is under $15,000.00 CAD where by similar in Montreal would be in the range of $55,000.00 to $70,000. CGI is making a killing off the back of Indian resources who are getting very good training from school.

Point taken, but CGI is not a welfare organization. Our mission is not to employ to most expensive IT person. Dude, if you're making $70K, I need to talk to my HR people about profitable growth. But this crybaby had more to say:

All in all, I moved on to greener grass and I'm glad I left CGI when I did because now the company has forced their employees to work an additional 2.5 hours per week (37.5 hours to 40.0) for the exact same salary....

Bye bye, double bag.

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