Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Master of Unprofitable Growth

Happy Raymond is still in denial or he's full of it, you decide. The Conference Board of Canada stated that unless drastic actions are taken now, Quebec will dig its financial grave by $45 billions CAD each year just 20 years from now. My take is that some smart people in Ottawa have started using their calculators and the numbers are so staggering that their HP 12c are smoking.

Our Grand Master of Financial Illusions pictured above was quick to react and deny everything saying his administration was working days and night to cut expenses. Pointing fingers is one sure sign that everything is under control. Er, like dude, you expect us to believe this shit? According to the latest polls, a mere 85% of the population is fed up with Curly's administration, corruptions rumors and questionable expenses are making the headlines everyday.

Just this morning we learned that the Ministry of Education paid a firm $50 000 over 2 years to water its plants. If you ever worked in a government cubicle, you know that the potted plants there can survive almost anything including the presence of Happy Raymond. Still, some wise crack over there with a college degree figured it was okay to fork $50K just to water plants.

Just for the sake of entertaining myself a bit, I faxed our Q4 results to Happy Raymond today with a note saying: Our company is a fucking money printing machine, your administration is sinking faster than the Lusitania. And then I drew a crude Buzz Lightyear on the cover sheet with a caption: To Infinite Growth and Beyond.

Needless to say, Happy Raymond did not call me back.

Dear members, if CGI could be a country if would be the most fantastic place on Earth. I'm working on it, it's part of The Plan. Don't say anything.

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