Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What if CGI acquires another company (part 2)

A short post today, I’m visiting our Paris office, the French have such a way with protocol - and I'm not talking IP. They’re not bad though, I’ve been told I would be treated tonight with some exquisite French cuisine and more wine than my liver can absorb. Vive la France!

More thoughts on the Eat vs Being Eaten talk that goes on these days during our annual tour. Our business units leaders are always asking when CGI will be sold, what will happen to them if we’re integrated into a larger monster like IBM or Cisco and what kind of golden parachute they can get if such a thing happen. Everyone knows that this day will eventually come, and all eyes are on me to provide an answer. Be patient, CGI members, Michael is leading you on a journey through the desert, and after 40 days and 40 nights we will arrive to a wonderful oasis. That or we'll spend the next 20 years with a stock price between $9 and $12.

Personally, I’d love to take CGI up to 100,000 employees but I have to say that I sometimes don’t think such goal is reachable. Like I said in my previous post, acquiring a competitor is a lot of work and involves kicking a lot of asses. I know, because I kicked more butts when we acquired AMS than a typical football coach does in a lifetime. I’m telling you, folks, it ain’t easy. My shoes are so worn.

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