Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Canadian PM called

PM as in prime minister, not project manager. Although I think Canada would be better managed these days by any freaking idiot with a PMI diploma. Look at this guy.

When George W. Bush was president of the United States it was difficult to find the head of country who looked more inapt. So during those years our dorky Canadian PM looked actually smart, but that was before the American economy tanked and the world was fedexed to hell. Now that Obama runs the Oval Office, our PM looks pretty much like a hack actor who doesn’t look convincing enough to get a infomercial job.

So Stephen called me last night, enquiring about CGI. When a politician asks you an open question, you can bet your pants that he has a long detailed agenda hidden underneath the seemingly naïve question. Never trust those guys. So I go, well CGI is fine our stock is up, our members are happy.

Stephen seemed to totally ignore my response and went straight to the point. Michael he says, I heard rumours that you might sell CGI to a foreign company, I just wanted you to know that the Canadian government cannot let this happen. I’ve been in the hot seat for a long time and my political opponents especially the blue commies will kill me if I let another Canadian company be sold to foreign interests.

So I go, Stephen, CGI is a public company and we’re doing our best to make the investors happy. If making our investors happy means selling the company to Krispy Kreme then I’ll bring donuts to our board. Of course I'd like to sell CGI to Canadian interests, but let's talk frankly the buyers list is kinda short ya know? Nortel is being dismantled as we speak, Bell is slowing sinking to the bottom of the sea and there's not a single company between Vancouver and St John that has enough cash right now to buy us. So yes I'm shopping South if that's your question, and East too.

Stephen goes, what if we nationalize CGI Group, this would stabilize the situation and this could not be worse than the U.S. buying Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Voters would accept this.

I went ballistic, Stephen I said you're the son of accountant so maybe you'll get this straight. Shareholders expect their shares to perform you know, and right now we're not doing bad at all. Do you really think your voters will be stupid enough to trade CGI shares for saving bonds that perform less than the actual inflation? How do you manage to sell this crap anyway?

Stephen said that he had an emergency to deal with (maybe a new haircut), so he had to go and said that we should talk again soon. Sure I said.

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