I feel it is important dear member that I share with you some of my bold plans for the future of this company. Just a glimpse, as The Plan requires a minimum IQ of 170 for a basic understanding, and HR tells me that no one scores that high.
You must understand that, very much like other fields, size do matter. Size is more important than quality because our world is based on numbers and quality is one very hard aspect to attach metrics to. Hygrade understands this very well, you don't want to know what kind of meat goes into the wiener, but you want to make sure you buy them when they are on sale. It's the same with humans.
My plan is to double the size of the company within the next 5 years, increase our earnings threefold and to lower CPM (Cost Per Member) by 15%. I want to manufacture a lot more wieners but the TCO of a 12-pack must be dirt cheap so I can make a fat profit on bulk sales. Consultants are to customers what wieners are to buns, and ketchup is like overhead. Since it is an expensive condiment we make sure that only one bag is provided.
Once you understand the inescapable logic and sheer beauty of profitable growth, you should not be surprised to read rants such as this one on
I saw enough of that place to know that I had to get out if I wanted to get anywhere. I left CGI for a 12% salary increase, better benefits, and I have since gotten another 3% increase recently.
If you work for CGI and it is around August/September, be concerned if you are not billable. You could be on the street joining the ranks of the unemployed. Of course make-work projects are created for some friends on the bench. Another technique that is used is creative reporting for projects because CGI strives for a "green" environment when it comes to projects.
In the GTA office on certain high floors, if you have friends in senior or lower management, you can get places. Especially if you were all from a team that now runs the show. Of course this is at the expense of other hard working employees... It is not what you know but who you know and who are your friends. A manager friend will guide on how to decorate your annual review so that you can "promote" yourself and so that he can promote you. There are other things... Does HR know of this....hmmmmm.... probably not.
This poor crybaby from GTA surely hasn't take some time to read our latest Q4 results. If he had, he would understand that his tiny personal sacrifice is essential to the meteoric growth of this company and anyone criticizing upper management should be accused of high treason and sent COD to the Tower of London (or Detroit, whatever location is closest).
As a member and shareholder, the GTA whiner is ridding the best Canadian stock on the TSX. But Mr. Nitwit here is only concerned with this own and short term benefit, he does not give a shiitake about the company that feeds him. He probably wants to purchase a new plasma screen to replace the one he bought 2 years ago. I'll make sure his annual review shows an appropriate scorecard under "Personal Attachment To The Company".
I've been told the Tower of London is for sale, is this true?